Sandtorstraße 1
39106 Magdeburg
The initiative is part of an Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU) effort to support young female scientists with a focus on women’s career paths.
Today, in cooperation with several organizations, such as the IMPRS, the Ladies Night for Women in Engineering Sciences accompanies the Career Day for Women in Life Sciences, which has been taking place annually in Magdeburg at the medical faculty and the Leibniz Institute since 2014, with contributions from the engineering field of the MINT subjects offered at the OVGU. The event is primarily targeted at female students, PhD candidates, and young scientists in the engineering field of the MINT disciplines. Female speakers will present short lectures on how they themselves can be successful in their profession and in their self-efficacy without losing out on work-life balance.
A career market enables participants to receive information on career paths and funding opportunities within the university environment. In parallel, a small job fair offers the opportunity to gain direct contact information to companies, therefore becoming acquainted with various non-university career paths. In a subsequent panel discussion on “Prospects for Young Scientists”, the panel’s participants’ personal experiences and impressions can be evaluated.
For more information, please check here.
For registration, please write an email with your department affiliation and academic degree.