9. December 2020 @ 10:00 – 10. December 2020 @ 17:00
Oliver Kobler
Together with Bitplane (https://imaris.oxinst.com/) the LIN CNI Core Facility will offer you an online Imaris Workshop on Dez, 9th and 10th, both days from 10-12am and 2-5pm with hands-on sessions guided by Imaris specialists from Bitplane. Imaris is one of the commercial 3D analysis softwares for microscopic data sets, which we use in our institute. On the first day Michael Mahlert from Bitplane will give an overview of Imaris functionality and teaches you its handing throughout the morning and afternoon session. On the second day you will have the chance to work on your own data or data sets from Bitplane and an application specialists will support you in rendering and analysis your data. Bitplane will provide you a two-week licence, which you can use on your own Laptop or PC. However, if your Laptop does not fulfil minimum requirements you may have the chance to attend via Imaris cloud server.

Please note that the seats are limited to 25 attendees. However, if there is wider interest, we will arrange a second workshop by the beginning of next year. Registration via email: cni-reg@lin-magdeburg.de until Nov, 15th. It is possible to attend only the first or the second day or the course if your time is limited. Please specify in your email whether you will attend on either days or only one day and if so, on which day. Seats are given on a first come first serve rule. After registration, you will get all necessary information in time.