In the modern academic era, more and more work is being offloaded to computers. After all, when was the last time you drew a graph by hand? But how many people enter academia knowing how to really speak to computers, using programming?

Sooner or later, you will need to write your own analysis programs, or least understand what they can do.

The purpose of this workshop is to guide young researchers into the world of ‘computer-speak’. Together, we will explore:

  • How to set up a program development environment
  •  Some basics of programming
  • How to load a basic excel or csv file and manipulate it
  • How to perform basic statistics
  • How to produce basic graphs

All by using a free, open-source programming language called Python.

Your instructor for this workshop is Andrew Curran, an academic-turned-industry -worker with experience in Neuroscience, engineering, and software development. He asks only the following to prepare:

  • Install Python and (optional) an IDE (such as PyCharm, VScode, or Spyder)
  • Familiarity with rudimentary programming (know what variables, looks, and Booleans are!)
  •  REAL DATA that you have collected in your research! Preferably in excel or csv format.

Once you have registered for the workshop, feel free to reach out to Andrew if you need a hand with the technical requirements.

Session 1:


4-7 p.m.


Session 2:


6-9 p.m.



The workshops offered by the cbbs graduate program and free of charge for all members. Registration via mail to:

Follow Up in 2022:

Workshop on: “Best practices in python for scientific programming” covering functional versus object oriented programming, test driven development, and Git

Interested? Register now!